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作者:三青 时间:2023-06-03 阅读数:人阅读


Chassis Split:A chassis split fee is charged if the trucker has to make an additional trip to pick up a chassis, from a separate location.如果卡车司机必须在其他地方进行额外的行程来提起底盘,则需要支付底盘拆分费用。


1.Bobtail Fee:A bobtail fee is charged if the trucker drops off an FCL container at a warehouse and picks it up after it has been unloaded.如果卡车司机将整箱集装箱从仓库放下并在卸货后提起,则收取短尾费。

2.CAIN Customs Assigned Importer Number

A CAIN is a Customs Assigned Importer Number used for foreign importers. Foreign importers of record importing into the U.S. without an EIN will need a CAIN.CAIN是海关分配的进口商编号,没有EIN的有记录进口到美国的外国进口商将需要CAIN。

3.Clean Truck Fee

A Clean Truck Fee is assessed by the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.清洁卡车费由洛杉矶和长滩港口评估。

4.Liftgate Fee

A liftgate is used for delivery destinations that do not have a loading dock. Truckers typically charge a fee for this service.升降机费用,提升门用于没有装卸平台的交付目的地。卡车司机通常会为此服务收费。

5.PSS Peak Season Surcharge

PSS is a fluctuating surcharge that carriers may apply during times of high demand.PSS是波动的附加费,承运人可能会在需求旺盛时加收附加费。

6.PGA (Partner Government Agency)

A PGA is a division of the U.S. government that regulates certain products and oversees their entry into the U.S.PGA是美国政府的一个部门,负责管理某些产品并监督其进入美国的情况。

7.Residential Delivery Fee

A trucker may charge a residential delivery fee if delivering to a residential fee. Other costs may also be associated with a residential delivery.卡车司机如交付住宅费,可能会收取住宅交付费。其他费用也可能与住宅交付有关。

8.Trucking Wait Fee

A trucking wait fee is typically charged by a truck driver if they have to wait more than 1-2 hours while cargo is being unloaded. This is a prorated hourly charge.货运等待费 如果卡车司机在卸货时必须等待1-2个小时以上,通常会收取卡车等待费。这是按比例的每小时收费。

9.A pre-pull is when an ocean container is picked up from the port and stored at the truckers yard, instead of being immediately delivered. A pre-pull may be used to help avoid demurrage fees.预拉是指从港口提起海运集装箱并将其存储在卡车司机的货场中,而不是立即将其交付的情况。预拉可以用来帮助避免滞期费。

10.Last Free Day

The last free day is the last day of free storage time. See below for general guidance on the average amount of free storage time per transportation mode.最后的空闲日是空闲存储时间的最后一天。

The Last Free Day is the last day of a period of free storage time in which the cargo can be picked up without paying demurrage.最后的自由日是一段免费储藏时间的最后一天,在此期间可以收取货物而无需支付滞期费。

If you’re shipping FCL (full container load):

The ocean terminal will normally provide about 5 business days of storage time, but it varies across terminals.如果您要运送整箱(集装箱满载):海洋码头通常会提供约5个工作日的存储时间,但因码头而异。

If you’re shipping LCL (less than container load):

A CFS (Container Freight Station) provides about a week of free storage time after they have unloaded and deconsolidated the container.如果要运送拼箱(少于集装箱装载量):一个CFS(集装箱货运站)提供了有关的免费存储时间一个星期,他们已卸下后纳入合并容器。

If you’re shipping air:

The airline terminal provides 2-3 days of free storage time.如果是空运:航空公司航站楼提供2-3天的免费存储时间。

If youre shipping rail:

The rail port usually provides about 2 days of free storage time, which may include weekends.如果您要运输铁路:铁路港口通常提供约2天的免费存储时间,其中可能包括周末。









