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《重来》Page 113~140

作者:三青 时间:2023-05-05 阅读数:人阅读

 alienate 使(与某群体)格格不入 its general customer baseWhen you stick with your current customers come hell or high water 无论发生什么事, you wind up cutting yourself off from new ones. we started getting some heat(压力; 逼迫) from folks who had been with us from the beginning.in the first placeMake sure you make it easy for these people to get on board.Coming up with a great idea gives you a rush 突如其来的极度愉悦. ---- give sb a rush What seems like a sure-fire 必定成功的;肯定会发生的hit right now often gets downgraded to just a "nice to have" by morning. And "nice to have" isnt worth putting everything else on hold.On top of that, But if we did that, wed just wind up running on a treadmill and never get anywhere 原地踏步. --- treadmill 枯燥无味的工作(或生活方式); (锻炼身体的)跑步机,走步机Theres sensational 哗众取宠的; 极好的 copy on the box. Everything seems great.When you create an at-home-good product, you may have to sacrifice a bit of in-store sizzle 发出(油煎食物的)咝咝声Being great at a few things often doesnt look all that flashy 浮华的;俗艳的 from afar.Youre aiming for a long-term relationship, not a one-night stand. Weve all seen a TV ad for some "revolutionary" gadget [ˈɡædʒɪt] that will change your life. But when the actual product arrives in the mail, it turns out to be a disappointment. You cant paint over 在…上刷油漆; 掩盖 a bad experience with good advertising or marketing. The requests that really matter are the ones youll hear over and over.Obscurity [əbˈskjʊrəti] helps protect your ego and preserve your confidenceWork out the kinks. 解决问题They routinely do a trial run 试行 in a smaller city before coming to New York. Testing out of town lets actors get some reps in front of a live audience before the show goes up in front of harsher critics and tastemakers 时髦风尚的带头人.So let your latest grand ideas cool off for a while first. By all means 一定; 务必, have as many great ideas as you can. Get excited about them. Just dont act in the heat of the moment. Write them down and park them for a few days. Then, evaluate their actual priority with a calm mindfossilize (使人或物)僵化You can reason with 和…理论 a hundred people, but you need riot gear [ˈraɪət ɡɪə(r)] 防暴装备 to deal with ten thousand angry customers. An audience can be your secret weaponA lot of businesses still spend big bucks 一大笔钱 to reach people. Every time they want to say something, they dip into their budgets, pull out a huge wad of cash 一大沓现金, and place some ads.We may talk about design or business or software or psychology or usability or our industry at large 大多数;一般.build a loyal audienceform a bondbe obsessed with secrecy 保密;秘密Everything at those places has toget filtered through a lawyer and go through layers of red tape 繁文缛节.This is anathema 可憎的事物;可恶的想法 to most in the business world.paranoid 患偏执症的put sb out of business It just doesnt work like that.Get over it. 克服,战胜(问题、困难)emulate 努力赶上 sb a backstage 后台 passmake a reality show about sth Now stop waiting for someone else and do it yourself. People are curious about how things are made.behind-the-scenes footage 幕后花絮Letting people behind the curtain changes your relationship with them. Theyll feel a bond with you and see you as human beings instead of a faceless company. Theyll see the sweat and effort that goes into what you sell. Theyll develop a deeper level of understanding and appreciation for what you do.In truth, they just come off as 带给别...的印象或感觉 stiff(不友好的) and boring.wilt v. (使)枯萎,凋谢Show the world what youre really like, warts and all 隐瞒缺点地;毫不遮丑地Theres a beauty to imperfection. Be upfront 坦率的,诚实的 about your shortcomings. Lets dissect [dɪˈsekt] 仔细研究; 剖析 the purpose of a press release for a momentTheyre tired and formulaic 俗套的;非独创的. Theres nothing exciting about them.They wind up buried under 为…所压倒; 沉浸于; 忙于 an avalanche 雪崩;山崩 of hyperbolic 夸张的 headlines . Its numbing 令人麻木的;使人失去知觉的.doing sth is practically impossible.get ahold of sb 联系到某人Youre better off focusing on getting your story into a trade publication or picked up by a niche blogger. --- be better off doing sth 最好做某事Theres no pipeline(管道) your message has to go through.These guys are actually hungry for fresh meat. They thrive on being tastemakers, finding the new thing, and getting the ball rolling 使某事发生;开始某种活动. Stories that start on the fringe [frɪndʒ] can go mainstream quickly.Links from these places result in notable spikes (价格、数量的)突然上升,剧增 in our traffic and sales.astute [əˈstuːt] 精明的;狡猾的 businesspeopleYou want an easily digestible 易理解的 introduction to what you sell. This gives people a way to try it without investing any money or a lot of time.If you do, dont think these are the only people responsible for marketing.a conference goodie bag 会议礼包You know those overnight-success stories youve heard about? Its not the whole story. Dig deeper and youll usually find people who have busted 打碎; 破坏 their asses for years to get into a position where things could take off. And on the rare occasion that instant success does come along, it usually doesnt last--theres no foundation there to support it.go bust 破产bust up 吵翻;分手speed up the process Dont bother. Youre just not ready for that yet. For one thing, .... Plus, .....Thats a waste of money right now. chuckle v. 低声轻笑





