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作者:三青 时间:2023-06-01 阅读数:人阅读





Tik Tok CEO周受资在接受听证的时候,有议员询问:你自己的孩子有没有使用Tik Tok

周受资回答:我的孩子不用Tik Tok,因为他们住在新加坡,新加坡法律规定该应用程序没有13岁以下儿童版本。



Drastically reduces memory and attention


drastically / ˈdræstɪkli/ adv.极其,非常

Binging on an endless stream of 15-to-30-second-long videosslashes our attention spanlike no other type of media can do: and the fact thatregular users spend hours more on average on TikTok compared to more traditional social media platforms only adds up to the problem.


binging on 沉醉于

slash / slæʃ / v.大幅度削减,大大降低

attention span注意力的持续时间

Short-term memory and the ability to concentrate are also affected. Devoted TikTokers report that they areunable to focus on longer video formats anymore (let alone reading a book or doing homework!). 50% of usersadmit that they find longer videos “stressful”.The platform has indeed introduced longer video formats of up to 10 minutes earlier in 2022 in an attempt to diversifytheir advertising palette(选项): but marketers are aware that super short videos continue to be the most engaging content type for young audiences. In 2022, the optimallength of TikTok videos is estimated to fall between21 and 34 seconds.


let alone 更不必说

introduce v.首次引入(某物)

diversify / daɪˈvɜːsɪfaɪ / v.(使)多样化,(使)不同

marketer n.市场营销人员(market + -er)

optimal / ˈɒptɪməl / adj.最佳的,最适的

Other social platforms begin to feel “slow” and boring, compared to this fast-paced app that serves new content at the flick of one’s thumb.


Addictive by design  


TikTok’s feed is created addictive by design. Unlike other social platforms that mostly serve us content from people or brands we already follow, the micro video app revolves around the feature of the endless scroll(显示滚动装置),pumping outalgorithm(算法)-based recommendations for entertaining videos by all sorts of unknown “creators”. The content-detection algorithm is purposely developed and constantly refinedto match users’ interests and keep them on the platform for as long as possible.


pumping out排出;泵出

refine / rɪˈfaɪn / v.改进,改善

In this sense, TikTok a platform driven by social voyeurism(窥视癖). One study found that user generated content is the most addictive type of content for young people who practically come on the app to binge on the lives of strangers.


TikTok operates on the psychological principle of randomreinforcement: the endless video stream is addictive by itself, simply because we expect to get a reward (in the form of a funny video, followed bya shot ofdopamine(多巴胺) in the brain) any second now. Dopaminespikes happening in quick successionis what makes TikTok similar to gambling: research shows that addiction gradually shrinks the human brain.


reinforcement / ˌriːɪnˈfɔːsmənt / n.加强,加固(re + inforce + -ment)

a shot of 少量

spike v.迅速提升,急剧增加

succession / səkˈseʃ(ə)n / n.连续不断的物

This MRI  study shows that online game addiction leads to structural atrophy(萎缩) in the frontal(额部) cortex(大脑皮层 ). Another research indicates that visible atrophy takes place in the brains of children aged 9-10 who use smartphones for more than seven hours per day (that may seem like a lot, but recent data shows that the averagescreen timeis on the rise, totalling 4-6 hours for children aged 8-12 and over 8 hours for teenagers since the pandemic started).


structural / ˈstrʌktʃərəl / adj.结构(或构造)上的

screen time (看电视、打游戏或电子设备的)屏幕使用时间



boredom / ˈbɔːdəm / n.厌烦,无聊 (bore + -dom)

With its entertainment-focused algorithm kept in constant learning mode based on each individual user’s preferences, TikTok has the power to relieve boredom almost instantaneously(即刻). Thiscomes at a pricethough: a decreased ability to keep oneself entertained without the app, followed by an increased dependence on the app. One study found that proneness(倾向) to boredom in children and adolescents is linked to increased access to technology, which furtherfuels digital addiction.


come at a price  需要付出代价的

fuel v.刺激,加剧

Affects reading skills  


Our brains digestvisual information faster than text. This is why videos will alwayseclipsetext-based information online, while the development of reading skills in children will lag(落后于) behind their social media activities. Still, TikTok is even more detrimental(不利的) for the honing(训练) of reading habits in younger users than most of the other social media platforms: simply because the platforn does not include text at all.


digest v.理解,领悟

eclipse / ɪˈklɪps / v.使黯然失色

We are far from dumpingthe blame on TikTok entirely though: all of the so-called “traditional” social media platforms have started copying the addictive features of the micro video app in order tolure younger audiences with catchy video content. YouTube introduced Shorts, Instagram ramped up their Reels, all aiming to clone the TikTok experience and stay relevant.

不过,我们没有把责任完全推给短视频平台:所有所谓的“传统”社交平台都开始复制短视频应用的令人上瘾的功能,以便用令人喜欢的视频内容诱惑年轻观众。YouTube推出 Shorts,Instagram推出了Reels,它们都想复制短视频平台的体验并保持演化。

far from adv.远非

dump / dʌmp / v.乱堆,乱放

catchy adj.(曲调或口号)悦耳易记的;易使人上当的

lure v.引诱,诱惑

Social media is shifting in an attempt to captureour ever-eroding(侵蚀) attention with even smaller bits of easy-to-digest content: and it is up to us users to be aware of all thepitfalls.


capture v.吸引,引起

pitfall / ˈpɪtfɔːl / n.隐患;陷阱(pit + fall)





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