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作者:三青 时间:2023-05-10 阅读数:人阅读


Re: Q&A in connection with Article 43 (“Business Assets”) of the Measures for Management of Material Assets Restructuring of Listed Companies

一、 《上市公司重大资产重组管理办法》第四十三条第一款第(四)项规定,“充分说明并披露上市公司发行股份所购买的资产为权属清晰的经营性资产,并能在约定期限内办理完毕权属转移手续”。当上市公司发行股份拟购买的资产为少数股权时,应如何理解是否属于“经营性资产”?(2016年4月29日)

I. Article 43.1(4) of the Measures for Management of Material Assets Restructuring of Listed Companies provides that “fully explain and disclose that the assets purchased by a listed company through issuing shares shall be operational assets whose ownership is clear, and the ownership transfer formalities can be completed within the agreed period”. When the assets to be purchased by the listed company through issuing shares are minority interest, how to determine whether such assets belong to “operational assets” or not?


Reply: when the assets to be purchased by a listed company through issuing shares are enterprise equity, upon completion of transaction, the company should obtain the controlling interest of target enterprise in principle, if it is really necessary to purchase minority interest, the following conditions shall be met at the same time:


Minority interest has significant synergistic effect with current main business of listed companies, or belongs to the same industry or closely related upstream and downstream industries with the main underlying assets to be purchased this time, through this transaction, which all together helps to enhance the independence of listed companies, improve the whole quality of listed companies.


The corresponding three indicators such as operation revenue, gross value of assets, net assets in the latest fiscal year to the minority interest shall not exceed 20% of indicators of consolidated statements in corresponding period of listed companies.


In addition, where the operating agency to the minority interest is financial enterprise, it shall also comply with the relevant regulations of the financial supervision organizations and other competent authorities.


The material assets restructuring of listed companies involving equity purchase should also meet the above-mentioned conditions.






