IDEAL Shanghai Office is located in the culture and creative industrial park,which was formerly a printing machinery factory. In order to break the monotonous pattern of space, the designer demolished the middle floor slabs and formed a large space through it.After a series of clever additions, it became the visual focus and activity center of the overall environment.
We applied Chinese traditional architectural idea ‘Frame the view’ to the entrance and the balcony which are made of rustic metal. The opened space brings more nature light into the interior, in addition increases more contrast between the existing structure. In order to give grand sense into the entrance, we chose electronic wooden gate. The large scaled rustic metallicentrance with the transparent glazing balances the hardness of the metal which also gives us the sense of modernism. Within the soothing lighting effect, it tempts us to explore the interior.
水上石舫 | Stone Boat
The water feature in the mezzanine is one of principle designs as well as a difficulty for the construction. After times of discussions, we’ve had the design as you may see now. We’ve treated the water pond as an art device more than a landscape design. Designers have tried to create a space that allows people to enjoy the greenery and being slay. In order to achieve this goal, we’ve combined the idea of Zen and modernism. Water wall, floating lily pads, fishes going around brings more vitality to the space. In addition, the large scaled maple tree by the table gives space a slight of stillness. Skylight offers different levels of lighting. With the lighting contrast, it completes the mezzanine with a sense of Zen.
▼中庭,atrium▼植物和水景构成一幅和谐的天然图画,plants and waterscape create a natural scenery
悬挑云梯 | Cantilevered Stairs
Following the concept, for the staircase, we’ve tried to reduce the extra details as much we could. Therefore, we have this handrail-free stairway. Structurally each step slab is inserted to the central wall. Through the rendering of lighting, walking on the steps you would feel like stepping on the clouds.
▼简洁而通透的楼梯,the handrail-free stairway
倒挂树屋 | Tree House
Looking upon the mezzanine, you will notice the metallic structure ‘tree house’ with wooden strips. Standing in room, without any solid partitions, the transparent walls and the floor generates stimulations. In terms of spatial design, the interaction between the tree house and the mezzanine makes the general area fulfilled.
▼钢结构搭建的“树屋”空间悬挂在中庭上方, ‘tree house’ hanging above the atrium
别有洞天 | Reception Area
Less Is More. 我们坚信越少就越有无尽创造可能发生。白色,它以舒缓的节奏成为了空间主调,令来访者一踏入便有豁然开朗之感。白色是一种拥有无限想象力的颜色,它能让密集型脑力劳动的设计师们的精神得到松弛。前厅极简洁的前台背景墙,粗犷自然的墙面肌理,很好地融入了装饰风格。为了更好的与建筑风格统一,前台的造型及材质简单又不失稳重的质感,正对入口的通高白色墙面投影播放画面,不仅起到了公司的企业文化宣传效果,也增加了墙面整体装饰的动感酷炫感。
Less is more. We believe that less decoration brings out more design possibilities. White shade as the main color scheme, that we used the most in the space. It triggers people to be more creative. In addition, it relaxes the designers who are often highly intense. Walking into the interior, on the right hand is the reception area, where you can see the blanked background wall with rough white paint finishes. The blanked wall is a screen as well, which plays IDEAL introduction video. In order to unite the existing structure and our design, we designed the reception table with a clean and grounded sense.
身临其境 | VR Experimental Area
Adjacent to the reception area is the VR experimental area, by using VR technique, we’re be able to let clients experience the project themselves. In a way, it helps clients understand our projects more vividly. In addition, during the break time VR is available for our designers as well.
▼VR体验区,VR Experience zone
智慧聚合 | Smart Interaction
We applied the smart adjustable glasses which is be able to adjust transparence. By using this technique, it brings more nature light as well as gives different levels of privacy. In addition, it is a white board. The MAXHUB is a digital smart screen, via this technique the meetings are becoming more efficient and environment-friendly.
▼会议室,conference room
休闲一刻 | Lounging Deck
Break room and the lounge area is located on the second floor. From the balcony that extending out from the interior, you will enjoy the exterior view. In order to save space and bring out the most possibilities of the space, we designed a tea house of the top of tree house. Climbing from the material lab, you will enter in the terrace.
▼咖啡休息区,coffee break area
远眺之窗 | The Window
A small terrace with a window creates a poetic scene and gives the interior and exterior a natural and interesting interaction. People can rest, read, discuss, or go out on the terrace to look out at the scenery.
▼休闲区,rest area
材料工坊 | Material Workshop
Next to the tree house is a small material room. A designer’s favorite large table and a surrounding, full-stacked bookcase, maximize space utilization and satisfy usage requirements. The ladder on one side of the wall suggests that people’s exploration of this office space is not yet over.
▼材料室,material room
瞭望塔 | Watchtower
Walking up the ladder in the material room, you will come to the commanding height of the entire space. The little “watchtower” is located on the tree house and uses a clever way to take advantage of this small space that is usually overlooked. Sitting on the sofa here, the entire picture of the office is almost at a glance. The design of height difference greatly enriches the level of space and increases the interest of space.
▼位于树屋顶部的瞭望塔, little “watchtower” located on the tree house
What else……
The result of installing aluminum mesh partitions is an exquisite setting that generates magical lighting show.By manipulating the lighting, it shall complete the space with artistic sense.
▼穿孔铝板围栏,perforated aluminium panel
U-shaped table is more convenient for communication.
▼办公区,office area灯光照明也是本次设计的一个要点,尽可能做到了“见光不见灯”。灯光的选型也是根据装饰造型搭配。树屋的条形灯管与其错落有致造型相呼应,挑空区的光线投射至平面进行二次反射,创造出“闪耀的光辉”。没有做作的装饰语言,没有华而不实的装饰材料,有的是简单又遵循黄金比例的空间尺度,质朴又考究的肌理质感……这些都是艾迪尔在现在与未来设计中一直追求的。
Lighting design is one of our principle designs. You may notice the light, yet you may not see the lighting source. In terms of lighting fixtures, we’ve tried to match the design concept. We hope that IDEAL will keep shining in the design industry.Less extra decoration brings out more design possibilities. Through the golden ratio principle, considered textures…These are what you have been pursuing in each project.
▼轴测分析图,axon diagram▼1层平面图,plan 1F
▼2层平面图,plan 2F
▼剖面图A,section A
▼剖面图B,section B
▼剖面图C,section C