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新闻播报(August 2)斗破删减原因被曝?片源泄露要整改,知情者:再闹萧潇改成云潇

作者:三青 时间:2023-05-06 阅读数:人阅读



> China plans pilot program for retirement planning


A Chinese clerk counts renminbi yuan banknotes in Nantong, East Chinas Jiangsu province. [Photo/IC]

China will launch a pilot program encouraging personal deposits for retirement planning in five cities, to further expand the supply of financial products and meet the diversified needs for old-age provision. 中国将在五个城市开展特定养老储蓄试点工作,进一步丰富养老金融产品供给,满足人民群众多样化养老需求。

Starting on Nov 20, four large State-owned banks, namely Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China, and Bank of China, will carry out the pilot program for a year in Hefei, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Xian, and Qingdao.


The banks will offer three types of deposit products for retirement planning with maturities of five, 10, 15 and 20 years. The interest rates will be slightly higher than the large banks five-year deposit rate.


The upper limit of the principal of such deposits is 500,000 yuan for each customer at each bank.


> Sprite quits green plastic bottles in North America

雪碧宣布放弃绿瓶改为透明瓶装 以减少污染

Starting Aug 1, Coca-Cola Co., which produces Sprite, will package the lemon-lime drink in clear plastic bottles in North America, the company announced Wednesday. 可口可乐公司表示,自8月1日起,雪碧将把北美地区绿色瓶包装改为透明塑料包装。

Sprites current plastic contains green polyethylene terephthalate (PET), an additive that cant be recycled into new bottles, a key initiative for the company as it looks to reduce plastic waste.


The beverage giant has often been criticized for contributing to environmentally damaging plastic waste.


In 2020, the company was named the worlds No 1 plastic polluter by the environment firm Break Free From Plastic.

2020年,可口可乐公司被环保公司Break Free From plastic评为全球第一大塑料污染企业。其标志和品牌常常出现在公园和沙滩的废弃塑料中。

> NYC declares monkeypox public health emergency


A staff member of a medical center prepares a monkeypox vaccine in a drive-through monkeypox vaccination point in Valhalla, New York, the US, July 28, 2022. [Photo/Agencies]

New York City on Saturday declared a public health emergency due to the monkeypox outbreak. 由于猴痘疫情暴发,美国纽约市于当地时间7月30日宣布进入公共卫生紧急状态。

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and city Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan made the announcement in a joint statement as a total of 1,383 monkeypox cases were reported in New York State.


The announcement came one day after New York Gov Kathy Hochul declared a state disaster emergency over the outbreak.


On Thursday, the state health department called monkeypox an "imminent threat to public health."


"New York City is currently the epicenter of the outbreak, and we estimate that approximately 150,000 New Yorkers may currently be at risk for monkeypox exposure," the statement read.


The declaration will allow the health department to issue emergency orders under the city health code and amend code provisions to help slow the spread.


> Germany curbs energy use over winter worries

过冬忧虑持续 德国加紧实施各种节能措施

Photo taken on March 18, 2022 shows vehicles traveling on a road in Frankfurt, Germany. [Photo/Xinhua]

Efforts to conserve energy are being stepped up in Germany, as worries over winter supplies continue to cause concern in Europes biggest economy. 对冬季能源供应的担忧持续引发欧洲最大经济体的忧虑,德国正在加紧实施节能措施。

In the Southern German city of Augsburg, local authorities have ordered a city-wide crackdown on excess electricity use to help storage efforts.


"What was very important to me was to show the Augsburg citizens that we could be facing really hard times. Thats why, for example, we turned off the illumination of our historic buildings, and fountains no longer operate as long as they used to, to show that these are not normal times and to show that we all need to look to really save energy," said Mayor Eva Weber.


In the northern city of Hannover, authorities have switched off hot water in public buildings, with citizens being told they will need to take cold showers at public sports facilities and swimming pools.


In Berlin, more than 200 churches, bridges and other monuments will no longer be illuminated in the evenings.






