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作者:三青 时间:2023-05-06 阅读数:人阅读


英语中,一个简单的词可以派生出很多不同的新词,他们像极了孪生兄弟。如在词根imagine后添加后缀可派生出三个含义不同的形容词:imaginative, imaginary, imaginable。由于词根相同,学习者常会混淆他们的含义,为方便学习,我为同学们归纳了英语中常见的几个以供大家参考:

1.continuous, continual

continuous 持续的,不间断的,连续的。表示动作或物体继续不停地或不间断的进行下去。

The brain needs a continuous supply of blood. 大脑需要不断地供血。

continual 频繁的,连续的。 表示一段时间内多次重复的动作。

How do we prevent these continual breakdowns? 我们如何防止这些一再出现的故障?

2. imaginary, imaginative, imaginable

imaginary 虚构的,假想的

All the characters in this book are imaginary. 本书人物纯属虚构。

imaginative 想像力丰富的,富有想像力的

The examiner was looking for imaginative answers. 主考人希望找到具有丰富想象力的答卷。

imaginable 想像得到的,可想像的

Posters were plastered on every imaginable surface. 每一处能想到的空白都张贴着海报。

3. incredible, incredulous

incredible 难以置信的,不可相信的

The scientist was devoted to his research with incredible enthusiasm. 那位科学家以令人难以置信的热情投身于他的研究工作。

incredulous 表示怀疑的,不能相信的

He raised his eyebrows and gave me an incredulous look. 他眉毛一扬,用怀疑的眼神看了我一眼。

4. considerable, considerate

considerable 相当大的,相当多的

A statue was erected at considerable public expense. 竖起一座雕像花去了公众不少钱。

considerate 考虑周到的,体贴的

It was considerate of you not to play the piano while I was asleep. 在我睡觉时你不弹钢琴,真是体贴入微。

5. respectful, respectable, respective

respectful 表示尊敬的,恭敬的

I wish you would be more respectful to your father. 我希望你能更加尊敬你的父亲。

respectable 体面的;值得尊敬的

Let’s make you look a bit more respectable before you go out. 让我们把你打扮得更体面些你再出去。

respective 各自的,分别的

They each excel in their respective fields. 他们在各自领域里都是出类拔萃的。

6. industrial, industrious

industrial 工业的,产业的

Will computers and automation bring abut a new Industrial Revolution? 计算机和自动化将会带来一次新的工业革命吗?

industrious 勤劳的,勤奋的

Industrious workers should be rewarded. 勤勉的员工应当受到奖赏。

7. sensible, sensitive

sensible 明智的,合理的

I think that’s a very sensible suggestion. 我看这是一个非常合理的建议。

sensitive 敏感的,易受影响的

A writer mustn’t be too sensitive to criticism. 作家不可对批评意见反映过激。

8. practical, practicable

practical 实践的,实际的

How much practical experience do you have of working with computers? 你有多少操作电脑的实践经验?

practicable 可行的,行得通的

The only practicable course of action is to sell the company. 惟一可行的做法是卖掉这家公司。

9. honorary, honorable

honorary 荣誉的,名誉的

She is the honorary chairman. 她是名誉主席。

honorable 光荣的,值得尊敬的

My father doesn’t think acting is an honorable profession. 我父亲认为当演员不是个受人尊敬的行业。

10. amiable, amicable

amiable 和蔼可亲的,亲切的

The driver was an amiable young man. 司机是位待人亲切的年轻人。

amicable 友好的,和睦的

We reached an amicable agreement. 我们达成了一项友好协议。

11. comparative, comparable

comparative 相对的,比较而言的

In a poor country, owning a bicycle is a sign of comparative wealth. 在贫穷的国家里,有辆自行车就是比较富裕的象征。

comparable 可相提并论的,可比较的

His poetry isn’t bad, but it’s hardly comparable with Shakespeare’s. 他的诗写得不错,但很难与莎士比亚的诗相比。

12. regrettable, regretful

regrettable 令人遗憾的,令人懊悔的

It is a regrettable fact that our hearing fails as we grow old. 随着年龄的增长,我们的听力会减退,这是一个令人遗憾的事实。

regretful 感到遗憾的,懊悔的

I feel rather regretful that the affair ended like that. 事情竟弄到那样的结局,我很遗憾。






