来源:中国日报(CHINADALYWX)近日,听到“封城”2个多月的武汉要解封的消息,美国著名脱口秀演员崔娃调侃道:这会儿该改口叫“美国病毒”了,因为现在病毒已经不在武汉了。 视频:钟卫平字幕组25日,被中国粉丝称为“崔娃”的脱口秀演员特雷弗·诺亚(Trevor Noah)在一档节目中表示,新冠肺炎暴发的地方——武汉,如今情况已经好转了,几周内就会解除封城。The Chinese government has announced that there has been so much improvement in Wuhan, the place where this whole epidemic began, that the lockdown will be lifted there in just a couple of weeks.与此同时,美国的疫情形势却愈发严峻。据美国约翰斯•霍普金斯大学最新数据,截至北京时间3月27日早6时45分,美国新冠肺炎确诊病例累计达83507例,成为全球确诊人数最多的国家。对此,崔娃把疫情比作了Tik Tok(国际版“抖音”): 它始于中国,现在火遍了美国。So basically, coronavirus is like Tik Tok — it started in China but its blowing up in America. 随后,崔娃调侃称,接下来武汉就要开始“歧视”美国人了,他们召开发布会说,“我们要关闭边境,防止‘美国病毒’入侵。”Yeah this is goona be holding press conferences like "We need to shut down our borders to prevent the America virus from coming in".
为啥要叫“美国病毒”呢?崔娃的解释绝了!“你们不就是这么命名的吗?病毒在某地暴发,就要叫某某病毒。既然病毒现在在美国,已经不在武汉了,难道不应该叫‘美国病毒’吗?”Yeah, thats how it works, right? You name it after where it is, because its not in Wuhan anymore. So, the America virus? Yeah.
在节目中,崔娃为武汉即将解封的消息感到高兴。他说,这让他看到了希望。“因为这说明病毒是可以被战胜的,对吧?你只需要洗手,保持社交距离,还得有一个能指挥大家抗击疫情的强有力的政府。”But this news out of Wuhan gives me hope because it shows that the coronavirus can be beaten, right? All you need to do is to wash your hands, social distance and have an all-powerful government. 最后他还讽刺了疫情中出现的一些常见的现象,直到现在还有人抱怨因为抗击疫情而失去自由:我要是想舔马桶圈,那也是老天赋予我舔马桶圈的权利。…meanwhile in America, people are like "If I want to lick a toilet seat, its my God-given right to lick the toilet seat".原标题:《美脱口秀演员:武汉将解封,这下该对病毒换一个称呼了》